
I have the following domain class:

class Car{

 int hp
 Date registrationDate


Now what I'm trying to do is create a named query that enables me to do something like this:




I'n not sure the second one is possible or if the only way to do it is by having 2 named queries, one for year and one for month.

How do you specify the month/year for a date in a named query? I took some wild shots and tried googling it but I came up with nothing.

Was it helpful?


You can pass parameters to your namedquery :

    static namedQueries = {
    getCarsByYearMonth { int year, int month ->
        println "year:"+year
        println  "month:"+month
        def now = Date.parse("yyyy-MM", "${year}-${month}")
        eq 'registrationDate', now

and call it like this :

 def search() {
    render Car.getCarsByYearMonth(2012,2).list()
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