
Is it possible to add build events only for a specific build configuration in Delphi 2007 ?

I use 2007 but would be interested in what you can do in 2009 also.

Cheers Sam

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You can have (resource) compiler settings for each build configuration in Delphi 2009. But this does not apply to the other settings.

You can fake it, but it takes some time:

  1. In the prebuild, delete the conf*.dcu files.
  2. Define DEBUG for the debug configuration.
  3. Add the following to the project file:


  1. Now let the post build step check for the existence of confDebug.dcu or confRelease.dcu to find which build configuration is used.

It is a bit cumbersome, but you can do what you want.



As you can have separate defines in each build configuration. You can check your project defines for conditional build processing.

I use something like that:

echo $(DEFINES) | find "RELEASE"> nul
if not errorlevel 1 goto

echo $(DEFINES) | find "DEBUG" > nul
if not errorlevel 1 goto debug

goto end

echo Processing RELEASE Build:
goto end

echo Processing DEBUG Build:
goto end


Try this:

if $(Config) == Release do_something

Here you can find some additional info

When using XE, I narrowed it down to something even simpler, if you're interested:

goto $(Config)

compil32 /cc f:\dev\MyProject\Installer\MyProject.iss"


That builds my installer only when I set the Build Configuration to Release. If you wanted to get fancier, you could call Jenkins and let it take over the pre-release tasks. In Delphi 10.x, you don't need this trick anymore.

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