
I am trying to create a file system when installing a WPF application. Currently I am creating the filesystem at run time. I am able to use the FileSystem page in Visual Studio 2010 to create the filesystem I want in any folder except for Users\public.

In the installer Filsystem page I create a special folder, but I need to give my special folder a default location. I have already tried: %SystemRoot%\Users\Public - it says it cant find it [Error: Cannot access network drive ...] And the other built in options go to places I don't want the fiels to be, commonfiles/program files/user documents/etc.

Can someone help me with creating the file system under Users\Public?

The directory I want to create is C:\Users\Public\MY_FOLDER\MY_OTHER_FOLDERS...

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You want to use %SystemDrive% rather than %SystemRoot%. Check it with the Command Prompt.

C:\>set System

EDIT: To use environment variables in an MSI package, use the format [%Name], so in your case [%SystemDrive].

Reference: Windows Installer Team Blog

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