
I found a script which allows to display favicons based on an url over here: andreaslagerkvist

Its a pretty simple script, there is a good example but when I copy/paste the example it doesn't seem to work..Please take a look at this demo: JsFiddle

What am I doing wrong? Am I missing something in the script?

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You never called the plugin, you only defined it.

Plugin Definition

jQuery.fn.favicons = function (conf) {
    var config = jQuery.extend({
        insert:        'appendTo', 
        defaultIco: 'favicon.png'
    }, conf);

    return this.each(function () {
        jQuery('a[href^="http://"]', this).each(function () {
            var link        = jQuery(this);
            var faviconURL    = link.attr('href').replace(/^(http:\/\/[^\/]+).*$/, '$1') + '/favicon.ico';
            var faviconIMG    = jQuery('<img src="' + config.defaultIco + '" alt="" />')[config.insert](link);
            var extImg        = new Image();

            extImg.src = faviconURL;

            if (extImg.complete) {
                faviconIMG.attr('src', faviconURL);
            else {
                extImg.onload = function () {
                    faviconIMG.attr('src', faviconURL);

Plugin Invocation

jQuery('#jquery-favicons-example').favicons({insert: 'insertBefore'});

Here's a working fiddle.

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