
I want to some Emacs lisp to manipulate same file from different Emacs processes. So I wrote the following script to check how lock-buffer works. However, it stops when trying to lock the file by the second Emacs process (find-and-lock-file $es2 /tmp/dummy). I need to go to another terminal and send emacsclient --socket-name server-2 --eval '(kill-emacs)' to stop the Emacs process. Emacs prompts what to do for the file if I open an UI by emacsclient -t --socket-name server-2, but I want to make it all done in the background and avoid using Emacs prompt to continue the process. How can I do this? Is it possible to make Emacs raise some error when it fails to lock a file?

EDIT: @event_jr proposed an answer using file-locked-p. I think it works most of the time. However, I think other Emacs process can lock the file between the execution of file-locked-p and lock-buffer. So, I will keep this question open. Solved. Thanks, @event_jr!


start-server () {
    emacs -q --daemon --eval "(progn (setq server-name \"$1\") (server-start) (require 'cl))"

emacs-eval () {
    echo "@$1 >>> $2"
    emacsclient --socket-name "$1" --eval "$2"

kill-emacs () {
    emacs-eval "$1" '(kill-emacs)'

find-and-lock-file () {
    emacs-eval "$1" "(progn (find-file \"$2\") (set-buffer-modified-p t) (lock-buffer))"

start-server $es1
start-server $es2

find-and-lock-file $es1 /tmp/dummy
find-and-lock-file $es2 /tmp/dummy

kill-emacs $es1
kill-emacs $es2
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There doesn't seem to be a way to make emacsclient --eval return error code. But You can make it print what you need to know:

#!/usr/bin/env bash


[ -e $emacs ] || emacs=emacs

start-server () {
  read -r -d '' script <<EOF
  (setq server-name "$1")
  (require 'cl)

  (defun my-set-buffer-modified-p (flag)
    (flet ((ask-user-about-lock
              (&rest args)
;;              (signal 'file-locked args)
              (apply 'error "%s was locked by %s" args)))
      (set-buffer-modified-p flag))))

  $emacs -q --daemon --eval "$script"

emacs-eval () {
    echo "@$1 >>> $2"
  emacsclient --socket-name "$1" --eval "$2"

kill-emacs () {
  emacs-eval "$1" '(kill-emacs)'

find-and-lock-file () {
  read -r -d '' script <<EOF
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect "$2")
  (my-set-buffer-modified-p t))

  emacs-eval "$1" "$script"


start-server $es1
start-server $es2

find-and-lock-file $es1 /tmp/dummy
find-and-lock-file $es2 /tmp/dummy

kill-emacs $es1
kill-emacs $es2

EDIT: I've dug around the source a little bit and found a reference to ask-user-about-lock, which solves it nicely.


I found another answer using run-with-timer, to bypass the emacsclient --eval bug, so that I can check that (signal 'file-locked ...) works in "normal" situation.

#!/usr/bin/env bash


[ -e $emacs ] || emacs=emacs

start-server () {
  read -r -d '' script <<EOF
  (setq server-name "$1")
  (require 'cl)
  (defvar my-file-is-locked "undefined")

  (defun my-set-buffer-modified-p (flag)
    (flet ((ask-user-about-lock
              (&rest args)
              (setq my-file-is-locked "no")
              (signal 'file-locked args)))
      (set-buffer-modified-p flag)
      (setq my-file-is-locked "yes"))))

  $emacs -q --daemon --eval "$script"

emacs-eval () {
    echo "@$1 >>> $2"
  emacsclient --socket-name "$1" --eval "$2"

kill-emacs () {
  emacs-eval "$1" '(kill-emacs)'

find-and-lock-file () {
  read -r -d '' script <<EOF
(run-with-timer 0 nil (lambda ()
  (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect "$2")
    (my-set-buffer-modified-p t))))

  emacs-eval "$1" "$script"

file-locked-p () {
  emacs-eval "$1" "(message \"my-file-is-locked = %s\" my-file-is-locked)"

start-server $es1
start-server $es2

find-and-lock-file $es1 /tmp/dummy
find-and-lock-file $es2 /tmp/dummy

file-locked-p $es1
file-locked-p $es2

kill-emacs $es1
kill-emacs $es2
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