
How can I write a wrapper that can wrap any function and can be called just like the function itself?

The reason I need this: I want a Timer object that can wrap a function and behave just like the function itself, plus it logs the accumulated time of all its calls.

The scenario would look like this:

// a function whose runtime should be logged
double foo(int x) {
  // do something that takes some time ...

Timer timed_foo(&foo); // timed_foo is a wrapping fct obj
double a = timed_foo(3);
double b = timed_foo(2);
double c = timed_foo(5);
std::cout << "Elapsed: " << timed_foo.GetElapsedTime();

How can I write this Timer class?

I am trying something like this:

#include <tr1/functional>
using std::tr1::function;

template<class Function>
class Timer {


  Timer(Function& fct)
  : fct_(fct) {}

  ??? operator()(???){
    // call the fct_,   
    // measure runtime and add to elapsed_time_

  long GetElapsedTime() { return elapsed_time_; }

  Function& fct_;
  long elapsed_time_;

int main(int argc, char** argv){
    typedef function<double(int)> MyFct;
    MyFct fct = &foo;
    Timer<MyFct> timed_foo(fct);
    double a = timed_foo(3);
    double b = timed_foo(2);
    double c = timed_foo(5);
    std::cout << "Elapsed: " << timed_foo.GetElapsedTime();

(BTW, I know of gprof and other tools for profiling runtime, but having such a Timer object to log the runtime of a few selected functions is more convenient for my purposes.)

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Here is an easy way to wrap functions.

template<typename T>
class Functor {
  T f;
  Functor(T t){
      f = t;
  T& operator()(){
    return f;

int add(int a, int b)
  return a+b;

void testing()
  Functor<int (*)(int, int)> f(add);
  cout << f()(2,3);


Basically, what you want to do is impossible in current C++. For any number of arity of function you want to wrap, you need to overload by

const reference
non-const reference

But then it's still not perfectly forwarding (some edge cases still stand), but it should work reasonable well. If you limit yourself to const references, you can go with this one (not tested):

template<class Function>
class Timer {
    typedef typename boost::function_types
       ::result_type<Function>::type return_type;


  Timer(Function fct)
  : fct_(fct) {}

// macro generating one overload
#define FN(Z, N, D) \
  BOOST_PP_EXPR_IF(N, template<BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N, typename T)>) \
  return_type operator()(BOOST_PP_ENUM_BINARY_PARAMS(N, T, const& t)) { \
      /* some stuff here */ \
      fct_(ENUM_PARAMS(N, t)); \

// generate overloads for up to 10 parameters
#undef FN

  long GetElapsedTime() { return elapsed_time_; }

  // void() -> void(*)()
  typename boost::decay<Function>::type fct_;
  long elapsed_time_;

Note that for the return type, you can use boost's function types library. Then

Timer<void(int)> t(&foo);

You can also overload using pure value parameters, and then if you want to pass something by reference, use boost::ref. That's actually a pretty common technique, especially when such parameters are going to be saved (this technique is also used for boost::bind):

// if you want to have reference parameters:
void bar(int &i) { i = 10; }

Timer<void(int&)> f(&bar);
int a; 
assert(a == 10);

Or you can go and add those overloads for both const and non-const versions as explained above. Look into Boost.Preprocessor for how to write the proper macros.

You should be aware that the whole thing will become more difficult if you want to be able to pass arbitrary callables (not only functions), since you will need a way then to get their result type (that's not all that easy). C++1x will make this sort of stuff way easier.

I assume you need this for test purpose and aren't going to use them as a real proxies or decorators. So you won't need to use operator() and can use any other more-less convenient method of call.

template <typename TFunction>
class TimerWrapper
    TimerWrapper(TFunction function, clock_t& elapsedTime):

        const clock_t endTime_ = ::clock();
        const clock_t diff = (endTime_ - startTime_);
        elapsedTime_ += diff;

    TFunction call;
    const clock_t startTime_;
    clock_t& elapsedTime_;

template <typename TFunction>
TimerWrapper<TFunction> test_time(TFunction function, clock_t& elapsedTime)
    return TimerWrapper<TFunction>(function, elapsedTime);

So to test some of yours function you should use only test_time function and not the direct TimerWrapper structure

int test1()
    std::cout << "test1\n";
    return 0;

void test2(int parameter)
    std::cout << "test2 with parameter " << parameter << "\n";

int main()
    clock_t elapsedTime = 0;
    test_time(test1, elapsedTime).call();
    test_time(test2, elapsedTime).call(20);
    double result = test_time(sqrt, elapsedTime).call(9.0);

    std::cout << "result = " << result << std::endl;
    std::cout << elapsedTime << std::endl;

    return 0;

Stroustrup had demonstrated a function wrapper(injaction) skill with overloading the operator->. The key idea is: operator-> will repeatly called until it meets a native pointer type, so let Timer::operator-> return a temp object, and the temp object return its pointer. Then following will happen:

  1. temp obj created (ctor called).
  2. target function called.
  3. temp obj destructed (dtor called).

And you can inject any code within the ctor and the dtor. Like this.

template < class F >
class Holder {
    Holder  (F v) : f(v) { std::cout << "Start!" << std::endl ; }
    ~Holder ()           { std::cout << "Stop!"  << std::endl ; }
    Holder* operator->() { return this ; }
    F f ;
} ;

template < class F >
class Timer {
    Timer ( F v ) : f(v) {}
    Holder<F> operator->() { Holder<F> h(f) ; return h ; }
    F f ;
} ;

int foo ( int a, int b ) { std::cout << "foo()" << std::endl ; }

int main ()
    Timer<int(*)(int,int)> timer(foo) ;
    timer->f(1,2) ;

The implementation and the usage are both easy.

You may probably find an answer if you look at the implementation of std::tr1::function that you include.

In c++11, std:: function is implemented with variadic templates. Using such templates your timer class can look like

class Timer;

template<typename R, typename... T>
class Timer<R(T...)>
    typedef R (*function_type)(T...);

    function_type function;
    Timer(function_type f)
        function = f;

    R operator() (T&&... a)
        // timer starts here
        R r = function(std::forward<T>(a)...);
        // timer ends here
        return r;

float some_function(int x, double y)
    return static_cast<float>( static_cast<double>(x) * y );

Timer<float(int,double)> timed_function(some_function); // create a timed function

float r = timed_function(3,6.0); // call the timed function

A solution using macros and templates: For example you want to wrap

double foo( double i ) { printf("foo %f\n",i); return i; }
double r = WRAP( foo( 10.1 ) );

Before and after calling foo() the wrapper functions beginWrap() and endWrap() should be called. (With endWrap() being a template function.)

void beginWrap() { printf("beginWrap()\n"); }
template <class T> T endWrap(const T& t) { printf("endWrap()\n"); return t; }

The macro

#define WRAP(f) endWrap( (beginWrap(), f) );

uses the precedence of the comma-operator to assure beginWrap() is called first. The result of f is passed to endWrap() which just returns it. So the output is:

foo 10.100000

And the result r contains 10.1.

You're out for a big challenge if you are looking to create a generic class that can wrap and call an arbitrary function. In this case you'd have to make the functor (the operator()) to return double and take an int as a parameter. Then you have created a family of classes that can call all functions with that same signature. As soon as you want to add more types of functions, you need more functors of that signature, e.g.

MyClass goo(double a, double b)
   // ..

template<class Function>
class Timer {


  Timer(Function& fct)
  : fct_(fct) {}

  MyClass operator()(double a, double b){



EDIT: Some spelling errors

It's not really clear to me for what you are looking.. However, for the given example, it's simply:

void operator() (int x)
   clock_t start_time = ::clock();    // time before calling
   fct_(x);                           // call function
   clock_t end_time = ::clock();      // time when done

   elapsed_time_ += (end_time - start_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

Note: This will measure the time in seconds. If you want to have high-precision timers, you probably have to check OS specific functionality (like GetTickCount or QueryPerformanceCounter on Windows).

If you want to have a generic function wrapper, you should have a look on Boost.Bind that will help tremendeously.

If your compiler supports variadic macros, I'd try this:

class Timer {
  Timer();// when created notes start time
  ~ Timer();// when destroyed notes end time, computes elapsed time 

#define TIME_MACRO(fn, ...) { Timer t; fn(_VA_ARGS_); } 

So, to use it, you'd do this:

void test_me(int a, float b);


That's off the cuff, and you'd need to play around to get return types to work (I think you'd have to add a type name to the TIME_MACRO call and then have it generate a temp variable).

Here's how I'd do it, using a function pointer instead of a template:

// pointer to a function of the form:   double foo(int x);
typedef double  (*MyFunc) (int);

// your function
double foo (int x) {
  // do something
  return 1.5 * x;

class Timer {

  Timer (MyFunc ptr)
    : m_ptr (ptr)
  { }

  double operator() (int x) {
    return m_ptr (x);

  MyFunc m_ptr;

I changed it to not take a reference to the function, but just a plain function pointer. Usage remains the same:

  Timer t(&foo);
  // call function directly
  // call it through the wrapper

In C++ functions are first class citizens, you can literally pass a function as a value.

Since you want it to take an int and return a double:

Timer(double (*pt2Function)(int input)) {...
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