
When using double click enable on any component, sometimes I have trouble activating the double click.

I realised that if I move between my fast paced single click it will NEVER fire a double click event. If, however, I do not move the mouse between the clicks then the double click is fired.

I'm thinking of using timer to get my own double click.

How would you solve this?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" applicationComplete="init()">
    <mx:Canvas id="bg" width="100%" height="100%" backgroundColor="white" />


            private function init():void {

            var cvstest:Canvas = new Canvas();
            cvstest.width = 200;
            cvstest.height = 200;
            cvstest.x = 100;
            cvstest.doubleClickEnabled = true;
            cvstest.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, dc);
            cvstest.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, md);


         public function dc (e:MouseEvent) : void {
            trace("DOUBLE CLICK ON TEST CANVAS");
         public function md (e:MouseEvent) : void {
            trace("SINCLICK ON TEST CANVAS");

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On my trackpad, your code works perfectly fine, but i guess thats because it's awfully hard to move the mouse between clicks.

If I use my wacom, it seems like my double click is only successful about 1/3 of the time.

There's also this: :(


I can solve this by clearing the classInterval and calling a deferred validation.

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