
When activating a site feature I automaticly want to set a WebApplication property. Even if a farm administrator activates the feature, the security exception is thrown ("access denied").

AFAIK SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges runs as a site admin, not farm admin. But HOW can this be done? I tried the following codes:

SPWebServiceCollection wsc = new SPWebServiceCollection(SPFarm.Local);
            foreach (SPWebService ws in wsc)
                SPWebApplicationCollection wac = ws.WebApplications;
                foreach (SPWebApplication wa in wac)
                        if (wa.MaxQueryLookupFields < maxLookupFields)
                            wa.MaxQueryLookupFields = maxLookupFields;

                    catch (System.Security.SecurityException ex)
                        _log.ErrorFormat("Access denied");

Error at currentApplication.MaxQueryLookupFields = maxLookupFields

another attempt with same Exception:

                SPWeb currentWeb = ContentTypes.ValidateFeatureActivation(properties);
                using (SPSite site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.ID, SPUserToken.SystemAccount))
                    SPWebApplication currentApplication = site.WebApplication;
                    if (currentApplication.MaxQueryLookupFields < newMaxValue)
                            currentApplication.MaxQueryLookupFields = newMaxValue;
                            success = currentApplication.MaxQueryLookupFields == newMaxValue;
                        catch (System.Security.SecurityException ex)
                            _log.ErrorFormat("no permission");
                    } else
                        success = true;
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I think that these properties are stored in Configuration Data Base. By security reason, access to this DB is limmited. This post describes how to solve this issue for self-site creation process. I think that the solution in your case will be the same.

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