
Wants to convert the SharePoint requests to Lowercase in the IIS processing pipe line, it should not invoke additional request to change/convert the requested URL into lowercase but the same request should be converted.

The below IIS Rewrite Rule converts the URL which needs an additional request:

< rules>
< rule name="Convert to lower case" stopProcessing="false">
< match url=".[A-Z]." ignoreCase="false"/>
< conditions>
< add input="{URL}" negate="true" pattern="*lb-live.aspx$"/>
< /conditions>
< action type="redirect" url="{ToLower:{R:0}}" redirectType="Permanent"/>
< /rule>

Is there a way to simply convert the case while the request is being processed in IIS pipeline?

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This requirement is very specific to your project. You can fulfil it by writing a HTTP Module which intercepts every SharePoint request, and converts it to Lowercase, see below:

public void Init(System.Web.HttpApplication Appl)
            //Hookup the function that does the lowercase
            Appl.BeginRequest += new EventHandler(Appl_BeginRequest);

void Appl_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
            System.Web.HttpApplication myAppl = (System.Web.HttpApplication)sender;
            string requestUrl = myAppl.Request.Url.PathAndQuery.ToLower();

            //additional checks on url
            if (requestUrl.Contains("test"))


For addtional help, please see this link: Support for URL rewriting?

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