
Suppose I have a variable of type Int = 08, how can I convert this to String keeping the leading zero?

For instance:

v :: Int
v = 08

show v

Output: 8

I want the output to be "08".

Is this possible?

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Depending on what you are planning to do you might want to store the "08" as a string and only convert to int when you need the value.


Use Text.Printf.printf:

printf "%02d" v

Make sure to import Text.Printf.printf first.

Its 8, not 08 in variable v. Yes, you assigned it 08 but it receives 8. Thats the reason show method displayed it as 8. You can use the work around given by Mipadi.


Output of a test.

Prelude> Text.Printf.printf "%01d\n" 08
Prelude> Text.Printf.printf "%02d\n" 08
Prelude> Text.Printf.printf "%03d\n" 08

Output of another test.

Prelude> show 08
Prelude> show 008
Prelude> show 0008

I hope you get the point.


Found another workaround. Try this,

"0" ++ show v

The printf way is probably best, but it's easy enough to write your own function:

show2d :: Int -> String 
show2d n | length (show n) == 1 = "0" ++ (show n)
         | otherwise = show n

Works as follows:

Prelude> show2d 1
Prelude> show2d 10
Prelude> show2d 100
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