
I'm using PowerShell to add metadata to my termstore. When I go to the central administration, in metadata service application I can see that I have one termstore. But when I try to access it through :

$session = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession($site)
$termstore = $session.TermStores[$]

I don't find anything, and if I take a look at the $session object I see everything empty except the "OfflineTermstoreNames",

Do you have any ideas how I could access to the metadata termstore ?

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Solution 3

I've found what I was looking for :

Being Administrator on the group, on the termset, on the termstore and on the service.

Turn off the server and turn it on.

It was ok for me



$session = Get-SPTaxonomySession -Site $site

$termStore = $session.TermStores[$]

Does it works?

Have you tried checking what termstores are available in $session.TermStores (by iterating on it)?

Are you having multiple Managed Metadata Services?

Maybe some of your MetaData Service Instances are disabled. See:

I tried all of the above with no success, but managed to bring my MM term store back online with a stop and start of ALL running instances of the Managed Metadata Web Service from the Services on Server page

Had this problem. Creating a new web app, importing terms to term store and session is null. Solution was to open a new powershell session and ran my termstore related commands.

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