
Given a validator class that looks like this

 public class SomeValidator : AbstractValidator<SomeObject>
      public SomeValidator(){
                () => {
                     RuleFor(so => so.SomeMember).SetValidator(new SomeMemberValidator())
                () => ... Code Does Not Matter ... );
                () => ... Code Does Not Matter ... );

And another to do the inner member validation

 public class SomeMemberValidator: AbstractValidator<SomeMember>
      public SomeValidator(){
                () => {
                     ... Code Does Not Matter ...

Question is, I want to run specific rulesets: "First", "Second", and "Fourth". I don't want "Third" to run.

Given the Validate method signature only takes a single ruleset argument I don't see any way to do this. There is "*", but I don't want to run all the rules.

Please help.

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You can execute more than one RuleSet, but I don't think you can execute the inner RuleSet.

validator.Validate(new ValidationContext<SomeObject>(person, new PropertyChain(), new RulesetValidatorSelector("First", "Second", "Fourth")));


The other option is to investigate the source code and try to think a way of doing it. The third parameter of the ValidationContext is an interface, IValidatorSelector, maybe you can have some luck with a custom class.


You could use validator constructor instead of RuleSet as a workaround for this problem. Just create enum inside of validator class and then use its value when creating validator.

I this way correct rules will be activated depending on what Mode is set in constructor.

public class UserValidator : AbstractValidator<User>
    public enum Mode

    public UserValidator()
        // Default rules...

    public UserValidator(UserValidator.Mode mode)
        : this()
        if (mode == Mode.Edit)
            // Rules for Edit...

            RuleFor(so => so.SomeMember)
                    new SomeMemberValidator(SomeMemberValidator.Mode.SomeMode))

        if (mode == Mode.Create)
            // Rules for Create...

            RuleFor(so => so.SomeMember)
                    new SomeMemberValidator())

I think it's actually more flexible method than using RuleSet.

There is only one small problem regarding FluentValidation MVC integration: User class can't have attribute [Validator(typeof(UserValidator))] because UserValidator will be then created using default constructor, before you can do anything in controller method.

Validator must be created and called manually. Like that for example:

public class UserController : Controller
    public ActionResult Create(User userData)
        var validator = new UserValidator(UserValidator.Mode.Create);

        if (ValidateWrapper(validator, userData, this.ModelState))
            // Put userData in database...
            // ValidateWrapper added errors from UserValidator to ModelState.
            return View();

    private static bool ValidateWrapper<T>(FluentValidation.AbstractValidator<T> validator, T data, ModelStateDictionary modelState)
        var validationResult = validator.Validate(data);

        if (!validationResult.IsValid)
            foreach (var error in validationResult.Errors)
                modelState.AddModelError(error.PropertyName, error.ErrorMessage);

            return false;

        return true;
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