
The error reads as enter image description here

ok now it clearly states that there is already an iis website of that name but i'm not able toaccess it. what it means is that when i'm trying to find the website on inetmgr.exe unfortunately i cant find inetmgr on my system. now i dont know if it is not supposed to be there but before that i'll tell u a few things i did: Iam using windows 7 home basic, for dev purpose i've installed windows feature of iis, the install of iis went smooth. The applications like VS 2010 and SP 2010 install did had some minor issues for instalation but it did install. Could anyone please tell me why i do not have inetmgr on my system? How to get it ? i'm presuming the above error will go away if i delete the central admin instance that is present on my iis. Desperately looking for an answer and thanks in advance.

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If for some reason it is not showing in your admin console you can load the powershell module and try the get-web cmdlets. Alternativley appcmd.exe list site if the site shows up you can get the ID and delete it with either Remove-Item or appcmd.exe delete site

If you still don't see anything than you could root around the applicationhost.config file, but you will probably be better off just uninstalling and re-installing IIS.


I think your first step would be to follow these guidelines on installing Sharepoint on a Windows 7 box. IIS should be in Control Panel -> Administrative Tools.

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