
Or there's a SP2010 Built-in service to access Audit data?

[UPDATE] Quick awnser, No, there's no way to access the SPAuditQuery from the SP JavaScript Class Library.

At the end I end up using a WCF Service, using all the guidance provided by @almostSharepointMaster, pulling the SPAuditQuery from javascript, just don't forget to elevate the context when querying from a WCF Service

using (ElevatedContext context = new ElevatedContext(SPContext.Current.Web, SPContext.Current.Site))
        SPList spList = context.Web.Lists[yourListId];
        SPListItem spItem = spList.GetItemById(yourItemId);

        SPAuditQuery auditQuery = new SPAuditQuery(context.Site);

        SPAuditEntryCollection auditEntries = context.Site.Audit.GetEntries(auditQuery);


return auditEntries;
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Its explained indepth here with images how to use SPAudit ;)

SPAudit and its members


This is taken from msdn that shows you how to access the log,

SPAuditQuery wssQuery = new SPAuditQuery(siteCollection);
SPAuditEntryCollection auditCol = site.Audit.GetEntries(wssQuery);

foreach (SPAuditEntry entry in auditCol) {
  // get info from audit log

This was taken from another thread posted below:

SPAuditQuery wssQuery = new SPAuditQuery(web.Site);

SPAuditEntryCollection auditCol;
auditCol = web.Site.Audit.GetEntries(wssQuery);

you could also use:

 SPAuditQuery wssQuery = 
  new SPAuditQuery(SPContext.Current.Site);

please also note that youll run into some restricons with amdmin right! as the last link states, take into condiseration the statment below from msdn also especialy the last part ;)

My solution to the restriction is using SPSecurity.RunwithElevatedPrivileges as a little work around :)

The fundamental scope of any query is always a site collection; but you can use the members of the class to restrict a query to particular date ranges, users, event types, lists, and list items.

This class is primarily used as a parameter to the GetEntries(SPAuditQuery) method.

You cannot use this class to query the SharePoint database for anything other than the records of audited events.

SPAutitQuery class


If you want to use a webservice you can by following the example, all you need to do is have this code:

SPSite oSiteCollection = (SPSite)properties.Feature.Parent;
SPAuditQuery oAuditQuery = new SPAuditQuery(oSiteCollection);
SPAuditEntryCollection collAuditEntries = oSiteCollection.Audit.GetEntries(oAuditQuery);

foreach (SPAuditEntry oAuditEntry in collAuditEntries) {
  // get info from audit log

obviously have a return method that returns the results :)

hope it helps :)

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