
is possible and how to use activex control or applet or flash or silverlight to run a exe game inside web browser, i mean like u embed flash game, or java game to web page.


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After installing a small Browser-Plugin webusers can run prepared applications normally written for desktop-usage on the web in a sort of sandbox.

That solution should come as close as possible to your intended usage, I think.


When you say "exe game", I assume you mean an executable that will run on the client machine like a normal game, except that it is downloaded when the user visits a webpage? You could find the web browser process and get its window position and position your game window over the top of that I suppose.

Seriously though, things like flash and silverlight exist for a reason: They provide a sandbox where "active" content can be executed without all the (potentially dangerous) functionality that a proper executable has.

What are you trying to do?

If you want to do what I think you want then it isn't possible. :)

As geofftnz mentioned the user have to download the complete program before he can start / use the program. But otherwise you could offer a simple download-link to do so. To run the program / game with all files on the server and to show the user only the output (and perhaps offer some options for input) isn't possible, either - most programs are designed as single-user applications, so you would have to start a new instance of the program for every user visiting the site. Irrespective the ressources you server need therefor, some programs allow only one instance running coexistent.

So, embedding a foreign / 3rd party program into a website isn't possible, I fear. When using your own program you can create it with Flash or Silverlight, if essential even as a ActiveX (more possibilities but also more security risks for the users). Such applications only load the main functionality on initial load and can reload missing components or data when needed (e.g. for games: the actual part of the worldmap, new levels, items, ...). But 3rd party programs, not construed for running as a server you can control with a API, have to be rewritten. By yourself or by the original publisher (unlikely ;) ).

Google is working on this, a way to run x86 code natively in a browser.

You would have to create you own client browser as they have at the link you provided..

the only thing is you would need premission from the creators to allow them to be played or hosted on your site.. and you would need the programming knowledge to create the client to do so.

Asking your visitor to run a executable is sure to attract only the fools who will trust you and also, he will need to run MS Windows.

You might want to look at alternatives suggested above.

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