
I would like to start using the WCF Rest Starter Kit's HttpClient to build clients for my Restful WCF services and I was wondering...

  1. If anyone is currently experience any problems with it

  2. Can I be confident that future versions of the component (just the HttpClient, not worried about the rest of the kit) will not contain significant changes to the API?

It seems like a pretty straight-forward component so I can't imagine any major changes with it, but maybe somebody here who is more "in the know" could give me a heads up.

Thanks in advance.

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Until it's released, Microsoft will surely reserve the right to change it.

On the other hand, if you make sure they know you're using it, you're somewhat less likely to be, ummmm, inconvenienced by any changes.


I work on the WCF team and I wrote most of the HttpClient code.

  1. No major known issues. The public issue tracker is at (search for HttpClient or WCF REST).

  2. Microsoft does reserve the right to change it. That being said, I don't think there will be significant changes to the API that has shipped. (Maybe some minor renaming.) We're mostly considering adding features/capabilities, which shouldn't break your existing code.

A great way to tell us about your usage is via the forum: .

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