
I'm very new at Sharepoint and I faced to a trick issue.

Here is the situation : in an .aspx.cs file, I've created an EventHandler called btnValidate_Click, raised on a click on a button. In this EventHandler, I need to get values of some fields displayed on the page, in order to insert them in various lists.

In one of my list, I have a User column, and I would like to display it, get the value defined by the end-user, and insert it in my list.

Here is my code :

<asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="RepeaterWorkTeamUser" DataSourceID="SPDataSourceWorkTeam" EnableViewState="true">
            <%-- Headers --%>
                <asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtTitle" EnableViewState="true" />
                <%--Some others fields --%>
                <SharePoint:UserField runat="server" ID="spufManager" EnableViewState="true" ControlMode="Edit" Visible="true" />

In my btnValidate_Click EventHandler, this is how I get my values :

public void btnValidate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web;
        SPList listWorkers = web.Lists["WorkTeam"];

        foreach (RepeaterItem i in RepeaterWorkTeamUser.Items)
            SPListItem workTeamListItem = listWorkers.AddItem();

            TextBox txtNom = (TextBox)i.FindControl("txtName");
            workTeamListItem["Nom"] = txtNom.Text;

            <%-- Some others properties --%>

            SPFieldUserValue userValue = new SPFieldUserValue(web, web.CurrentUser.ID, web.CurrentUser.LoginName);
            workTeamListItem["Manager"] = userValue;


But the field "Manager" doesn't even appear on my page, whereas others fields are correctly displayed, and their values are correctly inserted on the list.

I tried with a

Can somebody help me to display it correctly, and get the chosen user in my EventHandler to add it to my list ?

Thanks in advance :-)


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Solution 2

I finally found a solution.

I'm still unable to display a , so I used a PeopleEditor as explained here :

Then, in my aspx.cs file, here is how I get the selected user :

PeopleEditor peManager = (PeopleEditor)i.FindControl("peManager");
peResponsable.AutoPostBack = true;
PickerEntity pe = (PickerEntity)peManager.Entities[0];
workTeamListItem["Manager"] = pe.EntityData["SPUserID"];

Fix it !

Oh, by the way If you experience an issue with IE9, like "Namespace prefix 'xsd' is not defined" when submitting datas, follow this link and look like the M_Olson's answer : his solution perfectly works. I also use this other M_Olson's answer for this IE9 issue : http://*


Please, try the following code:

SPUser user = web.EnsureUser("{user login}");
item["Manager"] = user;
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