
I seem to be forgetting my C++ ...

I'm trying to declare some functions in C in separate sources, and including the appropriate .h when necessary. It compiles OK; but the problem is during linking, where the linker complains about functions already being defined.

I even tried defining the functions as extern, in a (vain) attempt to just declare the functions and let the implementation come true only on the .c.

This is an abridged description of my code:


#include <stdio.h>


#include "common.h"
#ifndef MODULE1_H_
#define MODULE1_H_
int init(int option);
int open(char* db, char* username, char* password);
int get(int handler, int date[2], int time[2], int* data, int& rowsize, int& numrows);
int put(int handler, int* data, int& datasize, int& numrows);
int close(int handler);
int finalize();
#endif /* MODULE1_H_ */


#include "common.h"
#ifndef MODULE2_H_
#define MODULE2_H_
int get1(int handler, int date, int time, int *data, int& datasize, int& rowsize);
int put1(int handler, int* data, int datasize);
#endif /*MODULE2_H_*/


#include "module1.h"
int init(int option) { ... }
int finalize() { ... }
int get(int handler, int date[2], int time[2], int* data, int& rowsize, int& numrows) {


#include "module1.h"
#include "module2.h"
int get1(int handler, int date, int time, int* data, int rowsize) {
  int daterange[2]={date,date};
  int timerange[2]={time,time};
  int rsize, numrows, result;
  result=get(handler, daterange,timerange, data, rsize, numrows);
  if(numrows!=1) printf("Uh oh...\n");
  return result;

Compilation & linkage:

g++ -o module1.o -c module1.cpp
g++ -o module2.o -c module2.cpp
g++ -fPIC -shared -o module1.o module2.o

As I said, it compiles OK. The problem is during linkage, where the linker "sees" that there are two implemented functions from module1.h: one from the inclusion of module1.h in module1.cpp; and the other from the inclusion of module1.h together with module2.h in module2.cpp.

I know the functions are supposed to be declared, but I'm obviously doing a faux-pas. Could someone please point out where it is? Thank you in advance.

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Solution 3

Thank you all for your replies and comments. I figured out the problem (it turned out to be a very stupid thing) and am close to solving it (hopefully).

It turns out it comes from another include file (cfortran.h) which implements a layer for using C function calls in Fortran (and vice-versa). It's very useful and I've been using it with success up until now, but I was "blinded" by the errors; that include's documentation states that care should be taken when using it in C++ context (not in C) but this is the first instance where that warning actually produces effects.

Thank you once more for your help.


Your function names need to be changed. There are already functions with some of those names you mentioned (Example: open) and they are probably being included by something you are linking to.


Don't you need to tell the compiler and linker that this is C and not C++ by using the extern dec.?

extern "C" {
    #include "my_bits_of_C.h"

to let the linker know that there's no name mangling going on?



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