
Is possible to use a HTTPS: resource in a URLBuilder in Yahoo Pipes?

I have used a HTTP: easily, but when I change it to HTTPS: I get an error.

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You are currently stuck. As of 2/09/09 at least, Yahoo Pipes does not support https.

There is the possibility of setting up your own proxy server to do the SSL fetching for you and re-serve the content over http, but it's not something I've ever tried.


you can work around yahoo pipes not supporting https by "proxying" your https url through YQL (Yahoo! Query Language), which does support https. yahoo pipes has the Sources > YQL module, which you can pass a https url with a YQL query like that:

select * from rss where url=''

with this query, the YQL module will return all items from the original https feed.

[via HTTPS, Pipes and YQL]

Yahoo! Pipes does not currently support HTTPS. The way I got around this problem was to set-up a PHP page on my own webserver that would fetch the HTTPS feed and echo it over HTTP. I then pointed the pipe at that.

This would do the job:

    $feed_contents = file_get_contents('');
    header('Content-Type: application/rss+xml');
    echo $feed_contents;
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