
I have converted a Progress Openedge to a Postgresql DB. Progress Openedge uses DF files and here is a section from a DF file:

ADD FIELD "StatusId" OF "ResultExport" AS integer 
DESCRIPTION "System sets value to 1 on creation"
LABEL "Status"
HELP "Processing status of this record"

whereas in the Postgresql DB I simply get:

statusid integer,

The conversion is successful but I am missing the Description and Help that was in the Progress Openedge DB but is not in the Postgresql SQL DB. Is it possible to get this? Do I need to create some other fields in PostgreSQL and manually input the data?

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You could put those in a column comment:

COMMENT stores a comment about a database object.
Comments can be viewed using psql's \d family of commands. Other user interfaces to retrieve comments can be built atop the same built-in functions that psql uses, namely obj_description, col_description, and shobj_description

You can only have one comment per object though so you'd have to combine your description and help into one string:

comment on column "ResultExport"."StatusId" is 'Processing status of this record. System sets value to 1 on creation.'
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