
We have a 2013 farm with the social stuff enabled. People are complaining that whatever they post on newsfeed is being lost.

I suppose that this is related to the distributed cache service, I read somewhere that the time to live is 14 days.

So the questions are?,

  1. Can I change the newsfeed to show items over more time?
  2. When I install or update solutions, this involves IISRESET of all servers, and restart of all timer jobs, does this clean the distributed cache service?
  3. If 2nd is true, how can I avoid that the newsfeed items are not lost?

Is it possible to have cache servers that are not neccesarily restarted when we install wsps?


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This question is similar to yours:
SharePoint 2013 My Site Newsfeed Posts Disappear

Following are quotes from answers:

A second concern when cached data in SharePoint is lost is that some items in SharePoint are only stored in the cache; specifically, updates regarding followed documents are only stored in the cache (as of March 2013). If these cached items are lost they won’t be able to be regenerated and will no longer appear in users’ feeds.

To avoid losing items from the cache and/or having to retrieve them again, you can use the Stop-SPDistributedCacheServiceInstance cmdlet with the -Graceful switch. This will move all cached items from the local cache host to other cache hosts in the cluster.


So if a reboot or iisreset is performed and the distributed cache is flushed then all followed newsfeeds are removed? To prevent this from being lost we would neet to stop SPDistributedCacheServiceInstance with the -Graceful Switch and then perform the reset? It looks like in the article you referenced that the TimeToLive for Activity feed is set at 168 hours or 7 days. I suppose that the Activity Feed is only stored in cache and therefore has an expiration so as to not fill up memory.

They are removed after 14 days. This is built into the feeds and normal. However they are moved to a second list not deleted in 2013 and they should load when you click to "View more activity".


You can get an understanding into the Micro-blogging feature in SP 2013 and distributed cache over here:

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