
I have the following models:

class Author(models.Model):
  author_name = models.CharField()

class Book(models.Model):
  book_name = models.CharField()

class AuthorBook(models.Model):
  author_id = models.ForeignKeyField(Author)
  book_id = models.ForeignKeyField(Book)

With that being said, I'm trying to emulate this query using the Django ORM (select all of the books written by a specific author, noting that Authors can have many books and Books can have many Authors):

SELECT book_name 
FROM authorbook, book
WHERE authorbook.author_id = 1
AND authorbook.book_id =

I've read this FAQ page on the Django website, but before I modify my model structure and remove AuthorBook, I was curious if I could emulate that query using the current structure.

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You should be able to do:

books = Book.objects.filter(authorbook__author_id=1)

to get a QuerySet of Book objects matching your author_id restriction.

The nice thing about Django is you can cook this up and play around with it in the shell. You may also find to be useful.


"AuthorBook" seems not correctly modeled.

You should use a ManyToManyField:

class Book(models.Model):
  name = models.CharField()
  authors = models.ManyToManyField(Author)

Then you can do:

books = Book.objects.filter(authors__id=1)
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