
Currently, I have created subsites programmatically in FeatureReceiver method and have a way to create publishing pages, but they are being created on the root site. Is there a way to target a specific subsite to add publishing pages to it??

Since this is in the feature receiver I am accessing the current web like this from another method using the SPFeatureReceiver properties

SPWeb spWeb = properties.GetWeb();

I tried something like this but was not successful:

        SPSite site = properties.Feature.Parent as SPSite;
            using (SPWeb oSPWeb = site.OpenWeb(""))
                // page creation code

Any help would be good

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Ended up getting things to work

After getting SPSite site = properties.Feature.Parent as SPSite; I found out that all I needed to do was add the rest of the url which was could be something like "/NewPage" to the rest of the url since I already had the full site url from the properties.

Created a method that passed in the site and the weburl to get my desired result to provison the webpages


Here is the code passing it these parameters:

This method is used to create the Page

        private void CreatePage(SPSite site1, string cWebUrl, string cPageLayout, string cPageName, string cPageTitle)
            using (SPWeb spoWeb = site1.OpenWeb(cWebUrl))
                PublishingWeb pWebRoot = PublishingWeb.GetPublishingWeb(site1.RootWeb);
                PublishingWeb pWeb = PublishingWeb.GetPublishingWeb(spoWeb);
                PageLayout[] layouts = pWebRoot.GetAvailablePageLayouts();
                PageLayout pl = GetPageLayout(layouts, cPageLayout);
                if (pl != null)
                    //Create My Pages
                    PublishingPage newPage = pWeb.GetPublishingPages().Add(cPageName, pl);
                    newPage.Layout = pl;
                    newPage.Title = cPageTitle;
        catch (Exception ex)
            //Error Handling code

Then I created another method where I passed in the values to all the pages I wanted to create:

        private void CreatePages(SPSite site)
           CreatePage(site, "/", "MyPage1.Minimal..aspx", "Page1.aspx", "Page1");
           CreatePage(site, "/", "MyPage2.Minimal.aspx", "Page2.aspx", "Page2");
           CreatePage(site, "/", "MyPage3.Minimal.aspx", "Sitemap.aspx", "Sitemap");
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