
I need a help filtering and sorting SPGridView based on DataTable, from the articles I've seen online, they use ObjectDataSource and so on, but I have the Grid binded directly to DataTable, is there any tutorial on how to implement the filtering or the sorting in this case? I've tried a lot and now working for me.


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oGrid.AllowFiltering = true;
oGrid.FilterDataFields = "Title"; //tells the SPGridView what columns we want to be able to  filter on.
oGrid.FilteredDataSourcePropertyName = "FilterExpression";
oGrid.FilteredDataSourcePropertyFormat = "{1} like '{0}'"; //property provides the format for our filter expression in a SQL-like syntax.


oGrid.AllowSorting = true;
oGrid.Sorting += new GridViewSortEventHandler(oGrid_Sorting);
void oGrid_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
    // Call bind datatable function

// Also make sure when you are adding the columns you should define SortExpression
BoundField colTitle = new BoundField();
colTitle.DataField = "Title";
colTitle.HeaderText = "Title";
colTitle.SortExpression = "Title";


SP GridView Filtering in share point 2010

SPGridView All - Grouping, Paging, Filtering, Sorting

Creation of a SPGridview Webpart having Pagination, Sorting, Filtering Functionalities in Sharepoint Site in Step by Step Manner

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