
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
 RewriteEngine on
 RewriteBase /
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
 RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA

Looking for feedback

Goal: I am trying to enable "Clean URLs" on a Drupal 7 site (such that resolves to

I've just spent way too long pouring through official Drupal docs and comments, to no avail, so any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

I have checked the box "Enable Clean URLs" in Drupal (/admin/config/search/clean-urls) and got the all-clear that the configuration options were saved. So now I am actually able to go to and it does indeed display the same content as What I want, however, is for to be rewritten in the URI as

The relevant .htaccess code is shown above, and my Apache conf appears to be properly configured.

Was it helpful?


Clean urls do indeed work but I kept getting errors until I found this This saved my sanity:

  • disable Overlay module
  • go to Clean URLS
  • change URL from: /?q=admin/config/search/clean-urls
  • to: /admin/config/search/clean-urls
  • Then the Check box should appear


I was searching for this issue, the solution that work for me was that:

  1. Left click on the wamp server icon and go to the apache.
  2. Here sub menu will be opened, go to the apache modules and enable the rewrite_module.
  3. now restart wamp server and then check your site.
  4. Enable clean url will now be active.

there should be a closing bracket on your last line "]". Perhaps this is the source of your frustration?

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