
In C++ you can often drastically improve the readability of your code by careful usage of the "using" keyword, for example:

void foo()
    std::vector< std::map <int, std::string> > crazyVector;
    std::cout << crazyVector[0].begin()->first;


void foo()
    using namespace std; // limited in scope to foo
    vector< map <int, string> > crazyVector;
    cout << crazyVector[0].begin()->first;

Does something similar exist for python, or do I have to fully qualify everything?

I'll add the disclaimer that I know that using has its pitfalls and it should be appropriately limited in scope.

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As Bill said, Python does have the construction

from X import *

but you can also explicitly specify which names you want imported from the module (namespace):

from X import foo, bar, blah

This tends to make the code even more readable/easier to understand, since someone seeing an identifier in the source doesn't need to hunt through all imported modules to see where it comes from. Here's a related question: Namespace Specification In Absence of Ambuguity

EDIT: in response to Pax's comment, I'll mention that you can also write things like


but then you'll need to write

instead of just


This is not necessarily a bad thing, of course. I usually use a mixture of the from X import y and import X.y forms, whatever I feel makes my code clearest. It's certainly a subjective thing to some extent.


import X


from X import *


from X import a, b, c

Where X is the Python module you want to use.

It would be helpful for you to give us a Python code sample that you think needs cleaned up.

Sure, python's dynamism makes this trivial. If you had a class buried deep in a namespace:, you can do:

def foo:
    f =
    f1 = f()

In addition to David's answer:

  1. One should use round brackets in from X import (foo, bar, blah) for a sake of PEP8.
  2. Full syntax allows renaming (rebinding) package names to their new identifiers within the scope of the current module as in from foo import bar as baz.

I recommend to look up the manual for the import keyword, the __import__ built-in and explanation for sys.modules as further reading.

Another option in Python is the construct "as" when importing. For example:

from foo import bar as baz

This will bring in as baz in the current module which allows the entity to get a different name in the current module, possibly to avoid hiding an existing entity in the current module with the same name.

Note that

from foo import bar

works even if bar is a module in the foo package. This lets you limit your namespace pollution without having to name each function/class in that you might care to use. It also aids readers of your code, because they'll see a call to bar.baz() and have a better idea where baz came from.

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