How could I use jQuery .closest() to determine nearest image and pass the path to PHP function


  •  11-12-2019
  •  | 


I am trying to write a Wordpress shortcode that will be smart enough to find the closest image to the shortcodes placement inside the HTML view.

I would like to use jQuery to determine what the nearest image is and then pass it to the function below. I should mention that it is possible for the shortcode to be used multiple times in a post.

I have looked into using .closest() to achieve this but I am unsure how to pass this information to my function.

function pinterest_post() {

global $post;
$icon_url = urlencode(site_url().'/wp-content/themes/Kin/images/pinterest.png');
$posturl = urlencode(get_permalink());
$pinurl = ''.$posturl.'&media='.$icon_url;
$pinurl .= '&description='.urlencode(get_the_title());

return '
    <div class="pinterest_post">
        <a href="'.$pinurl.'"><img src="/wp-content/themes/Kin/images/pinterest.png"/></a>

add_shortcode('pin', 'pinterest_post');

Any suggestions to achieve this would be much appreciated.

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Solution 2

After rethinking my approach I found it to be the easiest to allow the user to specify the URL of the image as a parameter of the shortcode. This will ultimately give them greater control over which image is shown and would prevent having to transverse the DOM multiple times for each instance of [pin] in a post.

My modified function and example usage:

function pinterest_post($atts = '') {

    global $post;

    $image_fallback = get_bloginfo(template_url).'/images/logo-green-for-website.gif';
    $icon_url = get_bloginfo(template_url).'/images/pinterest.png';

    extract(shortcode_atts(array('path' => $image_fallback,), $atts));
    $image_url = $path;

    $posturl = urlencode(get_permalink());

    $pinurl = ''.$posturl;
    $pinurl .= '&description='.urlencode(get_the_title());
    $pinurl .= '&media='.$image_url;

    return '
        <div class="pinterest_post">
            <a href="'.$pinurl.'"><img src="'.$icon_url.'"/></a>

add_shortcode('pin', 'pinterest_post');

Usage inside a Wordpress post:

[pin path=""]


You can use the offset() function to determine the offset of an element relative to the document.

Then with a simple mathematical distance formula you can compute the distance between any two elements: sqrt((x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2)

So, to wrap it all up:

  1. determine the offset of the pin element
  2. find all images in the document
  3. determine the image with the minimum distance to the pin element based on its offset
  4. do whatever you want with it

Check this jsFiddle in action :)

If instead of this mathematical definition of closest you want

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