
I made some changes and prepared to upload a newer version of my app to the app store that I built using

The Application Loader show this error message:

"iPhone/iPod Touch: application executable is missing a required architecture. At least one of the following architecture(s) must be present: armv6"

Maybe the answer lies here: validating an iPhone app archive ?

I have successfully submitted apps to the Apple app store in the past... however, since upgrading for iOS6 I cannot. What am I doing wrong? Is it a build setting issue over at

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This is fixed as of our v1.4.16 platform:


Xcode 4.5 support armv7 and armv7s architecture.

So please

1. select your Build architecture as Standard (armv7 &armv7s)
2. select deployment target as IOS 4.3 and 
3. add the following variable in the `info.plist`:-
    Required Device capabilities with Item0 values as armv7. 

This will help you..

Have a look at your build settings.

Under architectures you might see armv6 in the list.

However, Xcode4.5 no longer builds binaries for armv6. So although your settings says that they are being built, they are not. Application Loader is failing because you are missing the armv6 build even though you say that you are producing it.

If you remove armv6 from the list and rebuild, this problem goes away.

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