
At my personal website while viewing a single post, i have an overview DIV, and in FF it has no space between the main header and the excerpt, but in IE there is a space there. Any idea on how I can get rid of that?

I have FireBug for FF and i installed IE Developer Toolbar on my other PC to try to inspect the code to find the problem, with no luck.

That is an example.

Any ideas?

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it looks like the div containing the calendar date is pushing it down because it's the excerpt has a width set to 100%, set it to 90% and you see it will go to the top.

edit: if you change the width ofthe container of the calendar DEC 19th thing to 80 from 88 it should look better

here's what i see in the IE Developer Toolbar


Try adding a reset css file before you use any other style sheets. This will reset the inconsistencies in standard css between browsers.

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