
In my Google Maps application I can place markers on the map, and I keep a reference to each of the markers placed, along with some extra information in an array called markers.

Adding markers is easy, I just push() the newly created object onto the array (markers.push(marker));

However, when it comes to removing an arbitrary marker from the array, given an index of the slot, it doesn't behave as expected. My function is:

function deleteMarker(markerIndex) {
    if (markerIndex!='' && markerIndex>=0 && markerIndex<markers.length) {
        if (confirm('Do you really want to remove this marker from the map?')) {
            alert('deleting marker '+markerIndex); //debugging purposes
            markers.splice (markerIndex, 1);

I have no previous experience with the splice() function, but looking at its description @ w3schools it seems to be pretty straight-forward. However, I get the following behaviour:

markers.splice() does nothing. So what am I doing wrong?

And also, when markerIndex is 0 no confirmation box is shown. At first I assumed the lengthy if-condition evaluated to false and so the whole code block was skipped, however, using Firebug to step through the calls I found out that the condition holds (of course) for index 0 when array is non-empty, next step reveals that the if (confirm(...)) and alert('deleting...) are skipped and markers.splice() is called (but nothing happens). This behaviour is so strange I decided to open this question.

Can anyone please clarify what's going on?

I thought that deleting markers will be the easiest bit of functionality one could do. I can add them, edit their contents, even clear all markers (pop()-ing markers off the markers array until empty) and all works nicely.

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One problem with your code is that JavaScript interprets 0 == '' as true, so for a markerIndex of zero, your confirm-code is not executed. I guess that you misinterpreted the steps Firebug shows or that it simply is buggy here since your if-condition will in fact evaluate to false for a markerIndex of 0.

You can use type-strict comparison by adding an extra =:

if (markerIndex !== '' && ...) {

An easier approach would be:

if (markers[markerIndex] !== undefined) {

Since JavaScript does not raise an error when accessing undefined object members.

Your other problem with splice() not working is weird (it should work).


function deleteMarker(markerIndex) {
    if (markers[markerIndex] !== undefined) {
        if (confirm('Do you really want to remove this marker from the map?')) {
            markers.splice (markerIndex, 1);

This seems to take care of all the problems. Thanks for your answers, much appreciated. I especially like the idea of reducing the first if-condition to just:

if (markers[markerIndex] !== undefined)

splice() seems to operate directly on the array (contrary to what NuclearDog hinted) and it works as expected. My dearest Firebug mislead me.

not sure if this is what is happening here. but i've seen the same code run differently in firebug when it is being debugged v when it is not being debugged. i'm pretty sure i had no watches that were interfering with the code either.

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