
In the ApplicationData.Current.RomanigFolder, I save an jpg file. It is possible to read the content of this file in a stream or MemoryStream and set it to the ImageSource?

I use it in a WPF-Application with .NET 4.0 with follwing code: (img is a XAML-Image-Control

BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage();
bi.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(data.message.imageUrl);
bi.StreamSource = sr.BaseStream;
img.Source = bi;

For a Metro app I see no way to set a StreamSource to an BitmapImage. How can I set a Image-File to an Image-Control?

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For writing “Metro Style Apps”, or apps built for Windows 8, to set the source of an image in WPF project.

Here’s the code:

// Usage
myImage.Source = ImageFromRelativePath(this, "relative_path_to_file_make_sure_build_set_to_content");

public static BitmapImage ImageFromRelativePath(FrameworkElement parent, string path)
    var uri = new Uri(parent.BaseUri, path);
    BitmapImage result = new BitmapImage();
    result.UriSource = uri;
    return result;


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