
i have a situation where i may encounter a possible null, and i don't want my program to crash. it is only happening for a small % of users and i'm not entirely sure why, but i know the section of code that is doing it. basically the isAchieved() is a check that should return a boolean value, but in a few cases it is returning a null. this is part of a scoreloop library and i have a suspicion the bug might be with their code.

rather than getting a force close and exiting the program is there a way to check if this value is going to return a null and simply skip over this section of code if that is the case?

if (_achievements[ltc].isAchieved()) {
   // Do stuff for 99.9% of users here, but skip if .isAchieved() would force close
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        boolean checker=false;
        catch(NullPointerException e){
        if (checker) {

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