
How can I use it on WinRT (Windows 8) - I can't compile it. Can I use it also with "normal" Windows (WPF)?

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There isn't currently an mvvmcross port specifically for wpf - a couple of people have suggested building one, but the majority of users have so far requested more work on mobile platforms instead. There is a current console (win32) port and extending that towards WPF should be quite straight-forward.

Future development is now based around the Portable Library branch - see some info on and the code on

For WinRT, the TwitterSearch example within the vNext branch is a good place to start - it should compile and work across all of MonoTouch, MonoDroid, WP7, WinRT and Console:

The move to vNext

If you find you can't compile then please log specific compiler error messages either here or to github issues.


MvvmCrossLibs\MvvmCrossLibs.sln consists of many projects, requiring different runtimes to be installed to open properly (Mono Touch, Mono Droid, WP7). If you only need the library in WinRT, your best bet is to open Cirrious\Cirrious.MvvmCross\Cirrious.MvvmCross.WinRT.csproj directly and add the missing Newtonsoft.JSON package with NuGet (you'll need to save the automatically created .sln file before that). It should compile just fine after that, at keast it did for me. Now just reference the assembly in your Windows Store app project and start using it.

I don't have any previous experience with MVVMCross, but it doesn't look like it currently supports despktop WPF apps. I don't know how difficult it would be to create/compile such a version, though.

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