
If it possible to use table valued functions in an EDMX with Entity Framework 5 RC / Visual Studio 2010?

I cannot see the option in the EDMX designer, I have a feeling that the designer is in .net 4.5? Are my suspicions correct? Or perhaps in Visual Studio 11?

I'm not really in a position to be able to upgrade our project to .net 4.5 yet, is there another way of using table valued functions (perhaps modifying the edmx by hand?).


This blog post on msdn helps confirm the incompatibility:

Some features are only available when writing an application that targets .NET 4.5. This includes enum support, spatial data types, table-valued functions and the performance improvements. If you are targeting .NET 4.0 you still get all the bug fixes and other minor improvements.

However interestingly, this tutorial discuses modifying the EDMX directly to add support for TVF, but it appears to be for a an old beta. The XML intellisense also didn't find the elements discussed in the tutorial, but it might be because it was using a different schema. Unfortunately I've run out of time to try and apply the tutorial to the new EF5 Release candidate, but I'd be interested in knowing if anyone has had any luck.

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Unfortunately table valued function support is currently dependent on .NET 4.5 and VS 2012.


I have been using this approach in order to use table-valued functions from EF 4. Basically it includes hand-editing the EDMX file. The downside to that approach is that you need to edit the file manually whenever you update your model.

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