
I am having an issue with Drag and Drop Outlet generation, for some reason Xcode stopped generating @synthezise to the .m file, the @property is added correctly to the .h file.

Also I find it odd that an @interface block is added to the .m file even so the .h file with the @interface exists.

@interface BlahController {


@implementation BlahController : UIViewController {
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Solution 2

In Advanced thank you to Carl Veazey, who pretty much wrote up this answer in the comments:

  1. The interface is for private variables.
  2. The "missing" @property have to be accessed by _variableName.

Many Thanks again.


I am having an issue with Drag and Drop Outlet generation, for some reason XCode stopped generating @synthezise to the .m file, the @property is added correctly to the .h file.

The newest version of the compiler doesn't require @synthesize directives anymore. Just declaring a property using the @property directive is enough to cause the accessor(s) to be synthesized unless you use either the @dynamic directive or provide your own accessor(s) for the property.

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