
When i want to edit a textinputcell, i generally need two clicks : the first click gives focus to the cell and then to the input.

I have a celltable with 20 columns, all textinputcell - excel style. And this problem makes it totally unusable.

Here's a code sample :

FieldUpdater<MyBean, String> fieldUpdater = new FieldUpdater<MyBean, String>() {
  public void update(int index, MyBean object, String value) {

Column<MyBean, String> column = new Column<MyBean, String>(new TextInputCell()) {
  public String getValue(MyBean object) {
    return objet.getValue();

table.addColumn(column, "Col");

Did you have to face the problem ? Is there a know solution ?


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Solution 2

Allright, here's what i did : I noticed the EditTextCell doesn't take two clicks to change focus

So i duplicated the class (everything's private :/) and i made the following change in the method render :

Before :

if (viewData != null) {
  String text = viewData.getText();
  if (viewData.isEditing()) {
     * Do not use the renderer in edit mode because the value of a text
     * input element is always treated as text. SafeHtml isn't valid in the
     * context of the value attribute.
  } else {
    // The user pressed enter, but view data still exists.
} else if (value != null) {

After :

    if (viewData != null) {
        String text = viewData.getText();
    else if (value != null) {

I'm only using the template and never the renderer.

Bonus : Since you're using your own copy of the cell, you can edit the template. I added a width (constructor arg) :

interface Template extends SafeHtmlTemplates {
    @Template("<input type=\"text\" value=\"{0}\" style=\"width:{1}px\" tabindex=\"-1\"></input>")
    SafeHtml input(String value, String width);

And i call the template like this : sb.append(template.input(text, width));

Hope that helps :)


Set the KeyboardSelectionPolicy of the CellTable to DISABLED (i.e. cellTable.setKeyboardSelectionPolicy(KeyboardSelectionPolicy.DISABLED);).

Works for me with GWT 2.5 on Firefox/Chrome.

See additional details.

Check if the selectionModel of the grid has been set on the cell and not on the row. It might solve your problem.

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