
I'm having difficulty understanding why a particular selector isn't working for me. Admittedly I'm a bit of a JQuery newbie.

This correctly selects the first div.editbox on the page and colors it yellow:


However, this if ... is construct makes the highlighted border appear for each box as it is moused-over.

$('div.editbox').bind('mouseover', function(e) {
    if ($(this).is('div.editbox:first')) {$(this).css("border", "1px solid red");}

I have tried variations such as '.editbox :first', '.editbox div:first', etc.

Essentially, I want to be able to reliably test whether this is the first or last element of with the class name.


Edit: here's the HTML I'm using:

<div class="container">
<div class="editbox" id="box1">Foo</div>
<div class="editbox" id="box2">Bar</div>
<div class="editbox" id="box3">Baz</div>
<div class="responsebox" id="rbox"></div>

This is just a proof-of-concept page; the actual page will of course be much more complex. Again: what I want is to reliably detect if I am in the first or last "div.editbox". A workaround I used is:


Then test for if ($(this).is(".lasteditbox")) which works, but it seems clumsy and I'm trying to learn the proper way to do this with JQuery.

Was it helpful?


UPDATE: This works for the first element.

$('div.editbox').bind('mouseover', function(e) {
 if ($("div.editBox").index(this) == 0) {
      $(this).css("border", "1px solid red");

And for the last element, this selector works:

if($("div.editBox").index(this) == ($("div.editBox").length-1)){


If you want the mouseover on just the first occurence of the class editbox inside div

$('div.editbox:first').mouseover(function() {
   $(this).css("border", "1px solid red");


$('div.editbox').mouseover(function() {
   $(this).css("border", "1px solid yellow");
  $(this).css("border", "1px solid red");
  $(this).css("border", "1px solid blue");

have u tried

if ($(this).is(':first')) {$(this).css("border", "1px solid red");}
    $('div.editbox').mouseover(function() {
       //change the css for all the elements
       $(this).css("background-color", "yellow");
      //execlude the first and the last
      $(this).css("background-color", "Blue");
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