
I have custom module storelocator. Tabs used in the admin form. Below code is used to add tabs in the admin form.

$this->addTab('form_section_general', array(
          'label'     => Mage::helper('clarion_storelocator')->__('General'),
          'title'     => Mage::helper('clarion_storelocator')->__('General'),
          'content'   => $this->getLayout()->createBlock('clarion_storelocator/adminhtml_storelocator_edit_tab_form')->toHtml(),

      $this->addTab('form_section_google_map', array(
          'label'     => Mage::helper('clarion_storelocator')->__('Google Map'),
          'title'     => Mage::helper('clarion_storelocator')->__('Google Map'),
          'content'   => $this->getLayout()->createBlock('clarion_storelocator/adminhtml_storelocator_edit_tab_googlemap')->toHtml(),

General tabs shows correctly. But gives error for the tab 'Google Map'. Error that i am getting is : Fatal error: Call to a member function toHtml() on a non-object.

Was it helpful?


make sure the block with alias clarion_storelocator/adminhtml_storelocator_edit_tab_googlemap exists.
Also make sure there is no upper case letter in the file name.

I have a feeling your block file is named GoogleMap.php.
If so, then rename it to Googlemap.php or change the your code to look like this:

'content'   => $this->getLayout()->createBlock('clarion_storelocator/adminhtml_storelocator_edit_tab_googleMap')->toHtml(),


You just rename this Google.PHP to Google.php under


The extension with all caps seems to be the problem.

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