
I use FOSUserBundle with a custom registration form that extends the one provided by the bundle. I want to override the validation so it doesn't check for a username (I generate it). I have read that this can be achieved thru the usage of validation groups.

These are the relevant parts of my form:

public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)

    parent::buildForm($builder, $options);





public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
        'data_class' => 'Ysu\Bundle\SiteBundle\Entity\User',
        'validation_groups' => array('my-registration-group'),
        'cascade_validation' => true


However the username is still validated with the validation files provided by the bundle. I found out that $options (array) contains an array validation_groupswhich in its turn contains the 'Registration' group, so that is why the field is still validated. However, I don't know how to remove it. If I unset it from $optionsbefore passing it to parent::buildFormit will still contain the Registration group.

Does anyone know how to solve this?

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Turns out you can configure the validation groups for the FOSUserBundle's forms in config.yml:

            validation_groups:  [default, registration_mod]
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