
I've seen Veloedit, which seems to have good syntax highlighting but doesn't allow tab characters in the file being edited (wtf?) and also has no understanding of HTML.

With a little bit of googling I've found Veloecipse, which claims to build upon Veloedit and also add HTML support - but doesn't seem to be compatible with Eclipse 3.4.

Are there any other Velocity template editor plugins for Eclipse that anyone is using?

The ideal solution would have the following features:

  • Syntax hightlighting of VTL
  • HTML syntax highlighting as well
  • Auto-complete of VTL syntax
  • Allows tabs!

Update: see my answer below

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Here's an update: I've been using Veloeclipse and it works well, not sure what led to my original comment about not working with Eclipse 3.4 but I am definitely using it with 3.4 now. Veloeclipse works better than Veloedit and Velocity Web Editor, in my opinion.


I have installed Veloeclipse since Veloedit raised exceptions when opening the editor and it works fine with eclipse 3.5.2.

In order to install it, I had to deselect "Group items by category" in the "Install new software..." dialog.

just try

Velocity Web Edit

you can download Veloeclipse for Velocity Template from

According to the last release was 2006 so, I don't think that it's actively maintained anymore.

Too bad that veloedit doesn't work.

Ok, I tried it again and now it worked. Must have something to do with my installation. So for me veloedit is the way to go :)

Next Edit: On the next day, I got Eclipse exceptions again, when I started to use the veloedit editor. Now I'm just using a regular html/jsp editor to have at least some kind oh html syntax highlighting...

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