
I want to try Flurry analytics, but not any of the ad or video stuff. This is the most recent version, 4.0.1, which I just grabbed from their website.

I get this after adding the directory to my project:

Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
  "_OBJC_CLASS_$_MPMoviePlayerController", referenced from:
  objc-class-ref in libFlurryAds.a(FlurryVideoPlayer.o)
  "_MPMoviePlayerWillEnterFullscreenNotification", referenced from:
  -[FlurryVideoPlayer init] in libFlurryAds.a(FlurryVideoPlayer.o)
  "_MPMoviePlayerDidEnterFullscreenNotification", referenced from:
  -[FlurryVideoPlayer init] in libFlurryAds.a(FlurryVideoPlayer.o)
  "_MPMoviePlayerLoadStateDidChangeNotification", referenced from:
  -[FlurryVideoPlayer playVideo:view:ad:] in libFlurryAds.a(FlurryVideoPlayer.o)
  -[FlurryVideoPlayer moviePlayerLoadStateChanged:] in libFlurryAds.a(FlurryVideoPlayer.o)
  "_MPMoviePlayerPlaybackStateDidChangeNotification", referenced from:
  -[FlurryVideoPlayer playVideo:view:ad:] in libFlurryAds.a(FlurryVideoPlayer.o)
  "_MPMoviePlayerContentPreloadDidFinishNotification", referenced from:
  -[FlurryVideoPlayer playVideo:view:ad:] in libFlurryAds.a(FlurryVideoPlayer.o)
  -[FlurryVideoPlayer moviePreloadDidFinish:] in libFlurryAds.a(FlurryVideoPlayer.o)
  "_MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification", referenced from:
  -[FlurryVideoPlayer playVideo:view:ad:] in libFlurryAds.a(FlurryVideoPlayer.o)
  -[FlurryVideoPlayer moviePreloadDidFinish:] in libFlurryAds.a(FlurryVideoPlayer.o)
  -[FlurryVideoPlayer stopMovie] in libFlurryAds.a(FlurryVideoPlayer.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
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Solution 3

I figured it out - the Flurry API has changed so that rather than signaling FlurryAnalytics, you simply signal Flurry. This was documented in the comments of the .h file but scarcely otherwise.

I also had to remove the FlurryAds directory from the downloaded API (4.0.1) because I don't have its dependencies installed.


In Flurry SDK v4.x for iOS, it is possible to integrate only the Analytics functionality. Please refer to the following files: Flurry/Flurry.h, Flurry/libFlurry.a and Analytics-README.pdf in the SDK folder. There are additional folders for use with Flurry Ads which are required only if would like to show Flurry ads inside your app.

Then you need to remove from you're project all the flurry libraries (eg: libFlurryAds.a) and just left the libFlurryAnalitics.a

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