
The Rails Guide on the asset pipeline says you can use the yui-compressor on CSS with:

config.assets.css_compressor = :yui

However, I see no sign that it is actually using it. For one, thing, it makes no difference whether or not I have the yui-compressor gem installed or not. For another, compressed output is the same whether I have that line or not.

I put a little debug line into actionpack-3.2.3/lib/sprockets/compressors.rb in the registered_css_compressor method, and this is the result when the css is compiled: #<Sass::Rails::CssCompressor:0x007fdef9f9fee0>

So it appears that the config line is not being honored. Has anyone actually used this option?


Looking in sass-rails shows that the selection is overridden:

if app.config.assets.compress = :compressed
    app.config.assets.css_compressor =

If I comment that out, then it actually attempts to start the yui compressor... I'm still checking the output to see if it is correct.

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It truly is a bug in rails. I created a patch and pull request to fix it.

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