
QueryDSL defines an OrderSpecifier interface and an instance for that can be easily obtained for any field by calling asc() or desc(). The QueryDslPredicateExecutor interface of Spring Data JPA even has a findAll() method which takes OrderSpecifiers as parameters. however doesn't know anything about QueryDSL and it has its own way for defining query sort order, namely It can contain a number of which are a lot like OrderSpecifiers, except that they are not type safe etc.

So, if I want to make paged query which uses sorting, is there really no way of using QueryDSL for defining that?

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It should work like this if you can't find another way

private Sort sortBy(Path<?> path) {
    return new Sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, path.getMetadata().getExpression().toString());


I know it's been a while and I'm not sure this was available at the time of the OP but there is now a QPageRequest object introduced which allows for sorting via QueryDSL to be added to spring data jpa Query DSL...

Here is a much simpler way to construct a Sort object using QueryDSL:

new QSort(user.manager.firstname.asc())

Then you can use it in a PageRequest like so:

new PageRequest(0, 10, new QSort(user.manager.firstname.asc()))

The getExpression() method has been removed, and I had expressions akin to which needed a traversal, and without the complete name of expression I couldn't do anything about it, so now I made a method that gathers period.periCode and works perfectly on

private String resolveOrderPath(Path<?> path) {
    StringBuilder stringBuffer = new StringBuilder(path.getMetadata().getName());
    path = path.getMetadata().getParent();
    while(!path.getMetadata().isRoot()) {
        stringBuffer.insert(0, path.getMetadata().getName() + ".");
        path = path.getMetadata().getParent();
    return stringBuffer.toString();

Path<?> path =;
String propertyPath = resolveOrderPath(path);
Sort sort = new Sort("asc".equals(sSortDir0) ? Sort.Direction.ASC : Sort.Direction.DESC, propertyPath);
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