
Hi guys I am trying to make a small css3 animation...the issue is it's not going over the top of what I want it to go over...It goes under...I tried applying a z-index but it has yet to work...was thinking maybe animations are handled differently?

If anyone has any idea on how I can move it on top please let me know

   background: url(/images/clouds.png) repeat-x center 48px;
   -webkit-animation-duration:  180s;
   z-index: 5;
@-webkit-keyframes cloud-crawl-header{
    from{ background-position: -100% 48px, center top}to{background-position: 100% 48px, center top}

I just want it to go above a basic image I am using...

which is being added like so

<div class="logo">
   <a href="">
      <img src="images/logo.jpg" alt="logotop" title="title!" />

.logo {
   margin: auto auto;
   text-align: center;
   z-index: -1;
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The position of the element is currently static - you need to change it to relative, absolute, or fixed in order to apply a z-index. in your case, I think that applying relative positioning would be best. Reasoning: it wont change the x,y (left,top) position of your element.

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