
I've been using Java almost since it first came out but have over the last five years gotten burnt out with how complex it's become to get even the simplest things done. I'm starting to learn Ruby at the recommendation of my psychiatrist, uh, I mean my coworkers (younger, cooler coworkers - they use Macs!). Anyway, one of the things they keep repeating is that Ruby is a "flexible" language compared to older, more beaten-up languages like Java but I really have no idea what that means. Could someone explain what makes one language "more flexible" than another? Please. I kind of get the point about dynamic typing and can see how that could be of benefit for conciseness. And the Ruby syntax is, well, beautiful. What else? Is dynamic typing the main reason?

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Dynamic typing doesn't come close to covering it. For one big example, Ruby makes metaprogramming easy in a lot of cases. In Java, metaprogramming is either painful or impossible.

For example, take Ruby's normal way of declaring properties:

class SoftDrink
  attr_accessor :name, :sugar_content
# Now we can do...
can = = 'Coke' # Not a direct ivar access — calls'Coke')
can.sugar_content = 9001 # Ditto

This isn't some special language syntax — it's a method on the Module class, and it's easy to implement. Here's a sample implementation of attr_accessor:

class Module
  def attr_accessor(*symbols)
    symbols.each do |symbol|
      define_method(symbol) {instance_variable_get "@#{symbol}"}
      define_method("#{symbol}=") {|val| instance_varible_set("@#{symbol}", val)}

This kind of functionality allows you a lot of, yes, flexibility in how you express your programs.

A lot of what seem like language features (and which would be language features in most languages) are just normal methods in Ruby. For another example, here we dynamically load dependencies whose names we store in an array:

dependencies = %w(yaml haml hpricot sinatra couchfoo)
block_list %w(couchfoo) # Wait, we don't really want CouchDB!
dependencies.each {|mod| require mod unless block_list.include? mod}


It's also because it's a classless (in the Java sense) but totally object oriented (properties pattern) so you can call any method, even if not defined, and you still get a last chance to dynamically respond to the call, for example creating methods as necessarry on the fly. Also Ruby doesn't need compilation so you can update a running application easily if you wanted to. Also an object can suddenly inherit from another class/object at anytime during it's lifetime through mixins so it's another point of flexibility. Anyways I agree with the kids that this language called Ruby , which has actually been around as long as Java, is very flexible and great in many ways, but I still haven't been able to agree it's beatiful (syntax wise), C is more beatiful IMHO (I'm a sucker for brackets), but beauty is subjective, the other qualities of Ruby are objective

Blocks, closures, many things. I'm sure some much better answers will appear in the morning, but for one example here's some code I wrote ten minutes ago - I have an array of scheduled_collections, some of which have already happened, others which have been voided, canceled, etc. I want to return an array of only those that are pending. I'm not sure what the equivalent Java would be, but I imagine it's not this one-line method:

def get_all_pending{ |sc| sc.is_pending? }

A simpler example of the same thing is:

[0,1,2,3].select{|x| x > 1}

Which will produce [2,3]

Things I like

  • less code to get your point across
  • passing around code blocks (Proc, lambdas) is fun and can result in tinier code. e.g. [1, 2, 3].each{|x| puts "Next element #{x}"}
  • has the scripting roots of PERL.. very nice to slice n dice routine stuff like parsing files with regexps, et. all
  • the core data structure class API like Hash and Array is nicely done.
  • Metaprogramming (owing to its dynamic nature) - ability to create custom DSLs (e.g. Rails can be termed a DSL for WebApps written in Ruby)
  • the community that is spawning gems for just about anything.

Mixins. Altering a Ruby class to add new functionality is trivially easy.

Duck typing refers to the fact when types are considered equivalent by what methods them implement, not based on their declared type. To take a concrete example, many methods in Ruby take a IO-like object to operate on a stream. This means that the object has to implement enough functions to be able to pass as an IO type object (it has to sound enough like a duck).

In the end it means that you have to write less code than in Java to do the same thing. Everything is not great about dynamic languages, though. You more or less give up all of the compile-time typechecking that Java (and other strongly/statically typed languages) gives you. Ruby simply has no idea if you're about to pass the wrong object to a method; that will give you a runtime error. Also, it won't give you a runtime error until the code is actually called.

Just for laughs, a fairly nasty example of the flexibility of the language:

class Fixnum
  def +(other)
    self - other

puts 5 + 3
# => 2
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