
Im trying to implement nicEdit with the nicupload plugin, but when I select a file to upload it says "Failed to upload image", and the server response says "Invalid Upload ID".

This is the code that calls the script and initializes:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
bkLib.onDomLoaded(function() {
new nicEditor({uploadURI : '../../nicedit/nicUpload.php'}).panelInstance('area1');

The path to nicUpload.php is correct, and the code is the one that can be found in the documentation:

I made the upload folder changes, and set write permissions. According to the documentation (, thats all, but i keep getting errors. Any ideas?

Was it helpful?


You can manually pass an id to your script: e.g nicUpload.php?id=introPicHeader and it will become introPicHeader.jpg (or appropriate extension) in the images folder you defined.

However, I have noticed that this script is broken and cannot access the configuration option uploadURI if specified directly in nicEdit.js during the nicEditorAdvancedButton.extend({. This causes access to an relatively pathed "Unknown" resource, causing an error.

The documentation implies otherwise and the fact that the nicURI was specified here for (maybe as a default) gave me the impression I could also add a uploadURI reference to the nicUpload.php script in a single place rather than on every editor instantiation.


This works if you pass it during instantiation, which I guess does allow for easy dynamic id population.

Unfortunately, the nicUpload.php is riddled with errors and it's output is not JSON. The editor expects to parse JSON and finds a script tag and errors with unexpected token "<".

There are a raft of other errors which I will attempt to identify:

In nicEdit.js

  1. A.append("image") should be infact A.append("nicImage")
  2. this.onUploaded(D.upload) should become this.onUploaded(D)
  3. this.onUploaded(D) should be moved to within the try block after var D=JSON.parse(C.responseText) to fix variable scope issues
  4. B.image.width needs to become B.width

In nicUpload.php

  1. JSON output is not formed correctly, comment out html output and output just json_encode($status).
  2. JSON output needs to return a key/value pair named links rather than url although renaming the var D=B.links to var D=B.url in nicEdit.js would also suffice as a fix.

Both php and javascript code leaves a lot to be desired, I get many errors regularly and have been fixing them myself.


After looking for an solution a long time (lot of posts without real solution), i now fixed the code myself. I'm now able to upload an image to my own server. Thx to firebug and eclipse ;-)

The main problem is that the nicUpload.php is old and not working with the current nicEdit-Upload function.

Missing is the error handling, feel free to add this...

Add the nicEditor to your php file and configure it to use the nicEdit.php:

new nicEditor({iconsPath : 'pics/nicEditorIcons.gif', uploadURI : 'script/nicUpload.php'}

Download the nicEdit.js uncompressed and change the following lines in nicEdit.js:

uploadFile : function() {
var file = this.fileInput.files[0];
if (!file || !file.type.match(/image.*/)) {
  this.onError("Only image files can be uploaded");
this.fileInput.setStyle({ display: 'none' });

var fd = new FormData(); 
fd.append("image", file);
fd.append("key", "b7ea18a4ecbda8e92203fa4968d10660");
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", || this.nicURI);

xhr.onload = function() {
  try {
    var res = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
  } catch(e) {
    return this.onError();
  //this.onUploaded(res.upload); // CHANGE HERE
xhr.onerror = this.onError.closure(this);
xhr.upload.onprogress = function(e) {
  this.setProgress(e.loaded /;


onUploaded : function(options) {
//var src = options.links.original; // CHANGE HERE
var src = options['url'];
if(! {;
  //var tmp = 'javascript:nicImTemp();';"insertImage", src); = this.findElm('IMG','src', src);
var w = parseInt('width'));
if( {{
    src : src,
    width : (w && options.image.width) ? Math.min(w, options.image.width) : ''


Change the nicUpload.php like this

/* NicEdit - Micro Inline WYSIWYG
 * Copyright 2007-2009 Brian Kirchoff
 * NicEdit is distributed under the terms of the MIT license
 * For more information visit
 * Do not remove this copyright message
 * nicUpload Reciever Script PHP Edition
 * @description: Save images uploaded for a users computer to a directory, and
 * return the URL of the image to the client for use in nicEdit
 * @author: Brian Kirchoff <>
 * @sponsored by: DotConcepts (
 * @version: 0.9.0

* @author: Christoph Pahre
* @version: 0.1
* @description: different modification, so that this php file is working with the newest nicEdit.js (needs also modification - @see) 
* @see

define('NICUPLOAD_PATH', '../images/uploadedImages'); // Set the path (relative or absolute) to
                                      // the directory to save image files

define('NICUPLOAD_URI', '../images/uploadedImages');   // Set the URL (relative or absolute) to
                                      // the directory defined above

$nicupload_allowed_extensions = array('jpg','jpeg','png','gif','bmp');

if(!function_exists('json_encode')) {
    die('{"error" : "Image upload host does not have the required dependicies (json_encode/decode)"}');

if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST') { // Upload is complete

    $file = $_FILES['image'];
    $image = $file['tmp_name'];
    $id = $file['name'];

    $max_upload_size = ini_max_upload_size();
    if(!$file) {
        nicupload_error('Must be less than '.bytes_to_readable($max_upload_size));

    $ext = strtolower(substr(strrchr($file['name'], '.'), 1));
    @$size = getimagesize($image);
    if(!$size || !in_array($ext, $nicupload_allowed_extensions)) {
        nicupload_error('Invalid image file, must be a valid image less than '.bytes_to_readable($max_upload_size));

    $filename = $id;
    $path = NICUPLOAD_PATH.'/'.$filename;

    if(!move_uploaded_file($image, $path)) {
        nicupload_error('Server error, failed to move file');

    $status = array();
    $status['done'] = 1;
    $status['width'] = $size[0];
    $rp = realpath($path);
    $status['url'] =  NICUPLOAD_URI ."/".$id;

    nicupload_output($status, false);


function nicupload_error($msg) {
    echo nicupload_output(array('error' => $msg)); 

function nicupload_output($status, $showLoadingMsg = false) {
    $script = json_encode($status);
    $script = str_replace("\\/", '/', $script);
    echo $script;


function ini_max_upload_size() {
    $post_size = ini_get('post_max_size');
    $upload_size = ini_get('upload_max_filesize');
    if(!$post_size) $post_size = '8M';
    if(!$upload_size) $upload_size = '2M';

    return min( ini_bytes_from_string($post_size), ini_bytes_from_string($upload_size) );

function ini_bytes_from_string($val) {
    $val = trim($val);
    $last = strtolower($val[strlen($val)-1]);
    switch($last) {
        // The 'G' modifier is available since PHP 5.1.0
        case 'g':
            $val *= 1024;
        case 'm':
            $val *= 1024;
        case 'k':
            $val *= 1024;
    return $val;

function bytes_to_readable( $bytes ) {
    if ($bytes<=0)
        return '0 Byte';

    $convention=1000; //[1000->10^x|1024->2^x]
    $s=array('B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB');
    return round($bytes/pow($convention,$e),2).' '.$s[$e];

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