
Can somebody explain why I'm getting a positive result in the first case and a negative in the second.

auto r1 = -3.0L;
auto r2 = 2.0L;
writeln(typeid(r1)); // real 
writeln(typeid(r2)); // real 
writeln(typeid(r1 ^^ r2)); // real
writeln(r1 ^^ r2); // 9

writeln(typeid(-3.0L)); // real
writeln(typeid(2.0L)); // real
writeln(typeid(-3.0L ^^ 2.0L)); // real
writeln(-3.0L ^^ 2.0L);  // -9
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Disclaimer: I don't know D. This is written with my background using other languages.

When you square a negitive (real) number, the number becomes positive. You are writing the ambiguous (to humans) expression:


Which could mean either:

  • -(3^2) = -9 or
  • (-3)^2 = 9

Judging from the output, I assume that the programming language's operator precedence is picking the first. Try replacing your last line with:

writeln((-3.0L) ^^ 2.0L);  // -9


There is nothing wrong in the source above. Even good, old FORTRAN has power operator with the highest precedence (see for an example). Thus, in almost every modern programming language that has the power operator, expression -3^2 will be evaluated as -(3^2).

This rule is the same even in mathematical expressions:

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