
Today I updated to OS X Mountain Lion. I noticed that Apache won't start in MAMP. Nothing new seems to be in the apache log file. Running sudo apachectl -k start in Terminal gives me this:

httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Ryan-Smiths-MacBook.local for ServerName

I do have ServerName defined in my httpd.conf file.

I also noticed that "Web sharing" is no longer in the Settings pane... weird.

Any Ideas?


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Hi Ryan we had this problem

It turns out the systems own apache is running. We've documented it here




To fix the problem, and to start MAMP apache, you can now refer to: (the above link is broken now.)

Or simply run the following command:

sudo apachectl stop

In addition if you run into trouble where your mysql no longer will start, try killing the mysql process that may already be running by doing the following:

  1. Open up the program called "Activity Monitor" on your Mac.
  2. Search for a process called “mysqld“.
  3. Click on that process and “Quit Process”


In MAMP PRO 2.1.1, click Tools > Quit Built-in Apache.

I was able to solve this running OS X 10.8.4 by opening up Activity Monitor, choosing "All Processes" then killing any with "httpd" in the title. After that I was able to start MAMP and both the MYSQL and Apache servers gave the green light!

this one fix my MAMP

Just navigate to /Applications/MAMP/bin/apache2/bin using Finder, and rename envvars to _envvars (yes, just add the underscore). Boom! Done and done.

from codesoap

Had the same problem; no other tricks helped. I found I had an instance with "allow from" – removing the IP did the trick. Don't know why.

The problem with OSX Mountain Lion is that /usr/lib/libpq.5.3.dylib does not exist, but /usr/lib/libpq.5.dylib does.

To fix the issue, open terminal and:

~# sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libpq.5.3.dylib /usr/lib/libpq.5.dylib

just try to modify mamp in httpd.conf with:

LoadModule php5_module /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.3/modules/

My solution to the similar problem. I.e. MySQL was running fine from MAMP manager utility. Apache server did not and the "Open start page" was greyed i.e. not working.

It seems that my problem was, that the Apache server was not for one reason or another able to access it's log file apache_error.log in /Applications/MAMP/logs folder. The file seemed to be somehow "stuck" i.e. I was not able to change the access rights to the file with chmod command. Only after I deleted the log file completely and then restarted the MAMP control utility and started there the MySQL and Apache again, everything worked fine.

BR, Janne

Had the same problem.

I then set the ServerName to localhost and the Listen port to 8080, because 80 was somehow not available (even not as sudo). In my case it seems to have fixed the problem.

If nothing works for you like me, the problem is likely that you ran your MAMP update with MAMP running, then you closed the existing MAMP without stopping your server. All you need to do is restart your machine.

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