
In Swing, we could use setResizeWeight() on JSplitPane to determine what portion of the SplitPane received the available space. Is there an equivalent method in JavaFX 2.2? I can only find the setDividerPosition() method which doesn't really do what I want (granted I could call it manually each time the size changes, but I'd like to avoid that if possible.)

I could also call setResizableWithParent(false), but again that doesn't really provide the sort of control I'm after.

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While going through the API for SplitPane, I found this static function - setResizableWithParent(root, Boolean.FALSE) which provides similar functionality as setResizeWeight() in JSplitPane.

    SplitPane sp = new SplitPane();
    final StackPane sp1 = new StackPane();
    sp1.getChildren().add(new Button("Button One"));
    final StackPane sp2 = new StackPane();
    sp2.getChildren().add(new Button("Button Two"));
    final StackPane sp3 = new StackPane();
    sp3.getChildren().add(new Button("Button Three"));
    sp.getItems().addAll(sp1, sp2, sp3);
    sp.setDividerPositions(0.3f, 0.6f, 0.9f);

    SplitPane.setResizableWithParent(sp1, Boolean.FALSE);

    primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(sp, 300, 200));
    primaryStage.setTitle("Welcome to JavaFX!"); 

setResizableWithParent can mimic the values of setResizeWeight(0) and setResizeWeight(1) but absolutely nothing in between. Basically, the node can either be free-flowing or fixed.

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