
I have created the custom groups and fields under System->Configuration->Design I used the below event.


There are three types of scope in magento.

1) Default

2) Websites

3) Stores

I want all the values of my custom fields in admin panel to store the values in custom table. enter image description here

for example, you get description field value in store level.


I want the above value in website level and current store level. I have tried this link

Was it helpful?


In config.xml,


In observer.php,

public function saveSystemConfig(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
    $postData = $observer->getEvent()->getData();

    if (is_null($postData['store']) && $postData['website']) //check for website scope
        $scopeId = Mage::getModel('core/website')->load($postData['website'])->getId();
        $description  = Mage::app()->getWebsite($scopeId)->getConfig('design/custom/description');
        $currentScope = 'websites';
    elseif($postData['store']) //check for store scope
        $scopeId =   Mage::getModel('core/store')->load($postData['store'])->getId();
        $description  = Mage::app()->getStore($scopeId)->getConfig('design/custom/description');
        $currentScope = 'stores';
    else //for default scope
        $scopeId = 0;
        $description  = Mage::getStoreConfig('design/social-meta-tags/design/custom/description')
        $currentScope = 'default';

From the above you can get individual field values in all scopes.

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